Once you have installed the requirements, next step is to create a skeleton for your project at http://ce-vm.codeenigma.net/

Directory structure and basic usage

Depending on your platform and the tools you used to extract the generated archive, you might end up with and extra folder layer, which you can discard. A fresh "myproject" project ready to be used should have the following layout:

myproject // This is the root of the project
  ce-vm // This is the configuration and local tools for ce-vm

This is the skeleton, ready to be instanciated with cd myproject/ce-vm && vagrant up.

If that's the first time you ever use ce-vm, the process will setup the base "upstream" repo at ~/.CodeEnigma/ce-vm/ce-vm-upstream and instruct you to repeat the same vagrant up command. At the end of the process, your boilerplate structure should have been populated. The actual content will vary depending on the type of project and other options, but should look similar to:

myproject // This is the root of the project
  ce-vm // This is the configuration and local tools for ce-vm
  www // This is your webroot, mapped to http://app-vm.codeenigma.com
  docs // Additional folders and files may appear (drush, composer.json, ...)

Shared folders

The project's root, myproject in this example, will be mounted as /vagrant on the guest and can anything in there can be edited indifferently from both the guest and the host.

There is also an additional mount of ~/.CodeEnigma to /home/vagrant/.CodeEnigma, mostly reserved for provisioning and internal use

The various options available for the way those shared folders play a crucial role in the performance ov your setup, and are also the major cause of issues.